Monday, October 3, 2011

P.O.W.E.R. Principles w/PorsheaRae Vol 1 & 2

Here are the summaries & links to some of my favorite P.O.W.E.R. Principles videos. The messages have been well received, opened many doors, & impacted lots of lives. Lesson: ALWAYS be obedient to your calling! Click the title of each to see it on YouTube.

P.O.W.E.R Principles w/PorsheaRae - Heart for God
the HARVEST is here & the VISION is coming to pass!!! Be grateful & also SMART...don't get so caught up n ur new "resources" that u forget the "source" - THAT'S the relationship that matters most! (Deuteronomy 11:15-17 MSG)

To participate in the promises, you have to practice the principles!

P.O.W.E.R Principles w/PorsheaRae - Provokers
we've ALL been provoked at some point in our life... jus praise ur way thru, they'll get tired soon! "Fret not because of evildoers, neither be envious of the wicked; For there shall be no reward for the evil man; the lamp of the wicked shall be PUT OUT." (proverbs 24:19-20)

To participate in the promises, you have to practice the principles!

P.O.W.E.R. Principles w/PorsheaRae - Get Ready
Preparation is critical during the pursuit of your promise...God can't anoint what you won't give, (all relationships require giving & receiving) so take the time to prepare so you can give Him something to work with!

To participate in the promises, you have to practice the principles!

P.O.W.E.R. Principles w/PorsheaRae - Reap and Sow
no matter what keep SOWING!!! commit your works to the Lord & your plans will be established (prov 16:3) those sown on the good soil bear fruit--some 30, 60 or 100 times as what was sown! (mark 4:20)

"To participate in the promises, you have to practice the principles!"

P.O.W.E.R. Principles w/PorsheaRae - Life Formula
What's YOUR life formula? Don't have one? Use mine! Your Passion x Your Purpose + a Platform = Power!

To participate in the promises you have to practice the principles!

P.O.W.E.R. Principles w/PorsheaRae - Tombstone vs Stepping Stone
Don't waste so much time nursing the pain that you don't pull out your purpose! Stack up your issues & use them as your deliverance to get you closer to the TOP. (Jeremiah 1:19)

To participate in the promises you have to practice the principles!

P.O.W.E.R. Principles w/PorsheaRae - TipToe or STOMP
There's no fun in playing it safe! Anything worth having is worth the risk to gain - the scripture tell us to "be strong & of good courage!"

To participate in the promises you have to practice the principles!

P.O.W.E.R. Principles w/PorsheaRae - Reference Point
OOOH!! I get it! So YOU thought YOU were the ONLY one to EVER have YOUR challenge? Think again! You are surrounded w/reference points!

To participate in the promises you have to practice the principles!

P.O.W.E.R. Principles w/PorsheaRae - GET UP!!!
how you respond to what happens to you matters more than what happens...never let your challenges keep you down!

To participate in the promises you have to practice the principles!

P.O.W.E.R. Principles w/PorsheaRae - Pride
Gratitude & appreciation still work & are still effective - its important to practice them at all times along your success journey!

To participate in the promises, you gotta practice the principles!

P.O.W.E.R. Principles w/PorsheaRae - Reliving the Past
History will ALWAYS repeat itself! Vision, or lack thereof - will determine if it has the same affect on you.

To participate in the promises you have to practice the principles!

P.O.W.E.R. Principles w/PorsheaRae - The Law of Lift
Great News! You don't have to be a scientist to learn how to defy gravity! Principles are Laws - laws have no prejudice, & are not subject to conditions. When you live by principles you will ALWAYS be productive!

To participate in the promises you have to practice the principles!

P.O.W.E.R. Principles w/PorsheaRae - 4 R's
How do you eat an elephant (i.e. your big issue)???? One bite at a time! Here are 4 bites to start you off & help enhance the "How to" behind your "Why"!
To participate in the promises you have to practice the principles!

P.O.W.E.R. Principles w/PorsheaRae - Anger & Control
Real Estate isn't free, don't be afraid to collect payment & hand out eviction notices when necessary!

To participate in the promises you have to practice the principles!

P.O.W.E.R. Principles w/PorsheaRae - I.Q.
Didn't go to College? SO! Went, but dropped out? SO! I've learned that when you have a dream your degree doesn't matter!

To participate in the promises you have to practice the principles!

Wednesday, January 19, 2011

P.O.W.E.R. Principles w/PorsheaRae

2010 was an INCREDIBLE year & has laid the foundation for a VERY prosperous 2011. My video series "PorsheaRae & the Platform" which started out as a video here & there to nourish a creative deposit, turned into a life of its on creating a social media movement for the distributors of OrGano Gold International gaining a whopping 4 Million views! The same creative deposit has happened again so of course I've taken action by launching a new video series "P.O.W.E.R. Principles w/PorsheaRae" on FaceBook, The Oprah Winfrey Network, & YouTube. We've filmed & edited TONS of videos & as I leverage them to inspire those who cross my path I will continue to nourish my growth spiritually to provide status updates that are sure to reach your soul. Here are some of my favorite & most popular updates that inspired the series P.O.W.E.R. Principles w/PorsheaRae. WARNING!!! May cause change.

FYI - His promises are still in reach!!! it doesn't matter what u hurt from, are stressed about, who ure mad at, how they did it, why they did it, blah blah blah...let it go! why? b/c God is the AUTHOR & FINISHER of ur faith NOT THEM... He gave u life to LIVE - so do so! :o) (Ezekiel 16:6)

FAITH is not a spare tire that u pull out when u need it! its a LIFESTYLE... its our blood bought right to live by it so we overcome our challenges thru it... when u trust Him & LISTEN to His voice there is an assignment that's given to u. ure calling is YOURS so it may not b pleasing to others but it will please God & THAT is what matters (Galatians 2:20)

no matter where ure going u hav to take the time to GET READY - embrace ur season of PREPARATION for it is precious, personal & requires ZERO explanation... if distractions call - send them to voicemail this way the only voice u hear is the one that matters most - the voice of God. be courageous enough to TRUST Him even if u can't TRACE Him :o)

here's a great thought: instead of entertaining ur provokers be thankful for them! why? they create an atmosphere for prayer that wasn't there before & they bring humor to God! (psalm 37:12-13) anything that brings u CLOSER to Him AND makes Him HAPPY is a good thing! yes its annoying but they'll get tired & giv up eventually - lol :o)

YOU were created to DOMINATE. YOU have been empowered to PROSPER. if ure not walking & leading n your spirit ure not walking & leading! when u are transformed thru Him - its so great YOU don't even recognize u. don't conform to the world, define it for urself! be TRANSFORMED by renewing ur mind (Romans 12:2)

our boldness doesn't lie n our own faith - that can quickly melt into fear...we must continually tap into & pull from God's bold, active & dynamic faith one that NEVER shrinks back or cowers n the face of evil or adversity... be bold. be active. be dynamic. be...THE ONE!!! :o)

wrkin on ur weakness leads to mediocrity...wrkin on ur strength(s) leads to success - dn't waste time attempting to display qualities that u aren't designed to possess. ITS OK to not b good at EVERYTHING! that's un-necessary pressure! the yr of expansion is coming - FOCUS to b prepared for it! :o)

NO MATTER WHAT THEY TOLD YOU, you are NOT the product of someone else's mistakes, mishaps or mischief nor their lost dreams, desires, or deceit!! you are a product of the PURPOSE of God & that my friend - is GREATNESS... just trust, believe & walk! (Psalm 37: 5)

VISION is the pre-requisite for passion & source for influences how to live ur life, handle ur time, set ur priorities & who u CHOOSE to associate with... it is a key component to DEVELOPING ur GIFT so when u are positioned before great men u can DELIVER it!

YOU are best representative of you - NO ONE can be you like you....ur purpose in life is always connected to ur gift so rest n knowing u will NEVER be called to do something u have no talent for. NO MATTER WHAT ur gift will ALWAYS make room for u!!! (Proverbs 18:16)

progress & success eliminates stagnation, frustration & hateration (lol) - ITS OK if there's ALOT that needs to happen b4 IT happens - START NOW - work on what u can...u don't climb a mountain by jumping to the top u do so by taking one step at a time - u may slip & loose ur footing but keep moving & b4 u kno it - ure living ur dreams! :o)

hey you - yes YOU! He told me to tell u He's been waiting to make a deposit n u so u can be ESTABLISHED - fixed, permanent, stable & firmly incorporated n Him to receive what He has for u... listen for the revelation (the deposit) having it will giv u the ability to believe what the mind CAN'T perceive (i.e. Luke 9:16)...if He did it then He'll can do it again! ;o)

FACTS don't matter when you have the TRUTH that is God's whether its a bad report about your health, wealth, or anything else, NO MATTER WHAT - believe HIM more than you believe THEM - & watch how His will comeS through still!!! (Proverbs 4:20) :o)

juuuust incase u forgot: YOU were designed to be known for something special...YOU are meant to do something that will make u unforgettable...YOU were created to accomplish something specific...YOU were born to do something that OTHERS CAN'T IGNORE!!! (Jeremiah 1:4-5) :o)

no issue has value! keep n mind that EVERYTIME a provoker is released n ur life & u release them right bk to God - it positions YOU to be right where He wants u so He can PROMOTE u to ur PURPOSE... u should rest 100% n knowing that at that very moment n time - they become POWERLESS (Proverbs 24:20) LIGHTS OUT!!! :o)

procrastination for some has become a full-time occupation & a skilled profession... acquiring vision shifts u from procrastination to manifestation - once the vision is revealed to u don't question it - take all actions necessary to WALK IN IT!!!

"when a person SHOWS u who they are believe them" - Maya Angelou --> yes indeed! esp if their actions aren't n ur favor... a scorpion is designed to strike & kill - they can't help it b/c its who they are at the CORE! no matter what u THINK u see that's different, be wise! otherwise don't be surprised when they strike again. ;o)

"I was looking n the mirror & it didn't say anything, but the person n the mirror was saying everything" -John Sacturas --> so true!!! no matter how smart or successful u are u can NEVER lie to urself...ur subconscious will always kick n & SHOW u the REFLECTION of who u REALLY are ;o)

man looks at ur value for where u are now, but God see's u n ur FULLNESS...Its not abt ur location but ur DESTINATION! loving miami - tons of growing & stretching the movement is STRONG!

6th Necessity of Vision: avoid the temptation of pride that comes w/the expectation & manifestation of ur vision --> this is so important b/c pride is a very sneaky thing & for many ppl can be subconscious. pay close attention - otherwise it will serve as a private escort to ur defeat. (Habakkuk 2:4)

sight is a function of the eyes but VISION is a function of the HEART... Here's a Nugget: if YOU don't step up to own ur vision someone else will giv u one --> that's powerful! always know that what's in ur heart produces ur life - say to yourself: what i'm looking at now is subject to change! :o)

u can only hav confidence n that which u KNOW... knowing is CONCRETE & foundational... the more u believe, the more u are motivated to do, the more u do, the more u KNOW... growth n Him allows u to transform urself frm a believer to a KNOWER - don't be foolish & build on sand understand & build on His will (Matt 7:26)

"if u teach a man anything he will not learn" - Bernard Shaw --> so true! learning is an active & progressive process u must DO to truly learn... DO what u can now to move towards ur vision & u will find urself "learning" more about ur vision & urself along the way...nothing moves until u DO!

if you're able to carry out your vision by yourself, then your vision is too small & didn't come from Him.... your vision should be MUCH bigger than you (numbers 11:14) i'm thankful for my life, my freedom & the people in it who make it all possible.

Copyright 2011 - Porshea "PorsheaRae" Mitchell